Smart technology for your adventure vehicle
Simplicity Electrified
Go Vango

The Vango System

Bringing the pinacle of technology and convenience to your adventure vehicle
while simplifying the outfitting effort

Power Distribution

Solid-state control and monitoring for lighting, climate control and other auxiary power systems. Monitors power consumption on each circuit, and automatically handles overload situations. Dim lights and control speed of ventilation fans, awnings, etc.

Smart Buttons

Programmable buttons that can control any number of lights or other devices throughout the vehicle. For example, turn on, off or dim all lights from your bedside with a touch of a button. Place a button at your dash to shutdown cabin lighting for driving.

System Monitoring

Monitor accessory systems such as battery and tank levels, water consumption, power usage, charge status

Remote Control & Monitoring

Control and monitor your vehicle's vital systems from anywhere. Use your phone, laptop or anything else with a browser to access all systems under Vango control via wifi- or with dedicated internet - access remotely from anywhere in the world.

Data Analysis

Vango tracks the history of every system and circuit it manages. At a tap of a screen, you are able to see how hot your vehicle got at any point in time relative to the outside temp. See the average water consumption over the course of 24 hours.


Anything Vango controls can be automated based on anything Vango tracks. From the simple - Turn lights on or off at a given time, or at dusk - or more advanced: send an alert if projected water supplies will be exhausted within 2 days.


Where we've been and where we're going...

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